Policy Press

Social Divisions and Later Life

Difference, Diversity and Inequality

By Chris Gilleard and Paul Higgs


Apr 15, 2020

Page count

216 pages




234 x 156 mm


Policy Press


Apr 15, 2020

Page count

216 pages




234 x 156 mm


Policy Press


Apr 15, 2020

Page count

216 pages





Policy Press


Apr 15, 2020

Page count

216 pages





Policy Press
Social Divisions and Later Life

As the population ages, this book reveals how divides that are apparent through childhood and working life change and are added to in later life.

Two internationally renowned experts in ageing look beyond longstanding factors like class, gender and ethnicity to explore new social divisions, including contrasting states of physical fitness and mental health. They show how differences in health and frailty are creating fresh inequalities in later life, with significant implications for the future of our ageing societies.

This accessible overview of social divisions is essential reading for those interested in the sociology of ageing and its differences, diversities and inequalities.

“With the growing differentiation of particular forms of later life, this book definitely sets the stage for more discussion along these lines… This unquestionably pushes researchers to think about how later years are—and will keep—diversifying in societies across the world.” Anthropology & Aging

"This is an excellent, informative and thoughtful book, written by two leading authors at the top of their game." The British Journal of Social Work

“How do social divisions and differences determine the experience of ageing? Higgs and Gilleard’s unique perspective and intellectual rigour challenge preconceptions of how the social location of later life is constituted.” Kevin McKee, Dalarna University

“Health and economic disparities among older adults are a critically important concern. This rich, multidisciplinary analysis provides an excellent overview of late-life inequalities and policy solutions for mitigating these inequities.” Deborah Carr, Boston University

“This comprehensive and forensic investigation provides essential theoretical and empirical insights on diversity, difference and divisions in old age in the 21st century." Ian Rees Jones, Cardiff University

Chris Gilleard is Visiting Senior Research Fellow in the Department of Social & Policy Sciences at the University of Bath and the Division of Psychiatry at University College London. He has published in the areas of psychology, medicine, history and sociology as they relate to ageing and old age. He is also a fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences.

Paul Higgs is Professor of the Sociology of Ageing at University College London. He has published widely on the changing nature of later life and is a co-editor of the journal 'Social Theory and Health'. Paul is also a fellow of both the Academy of Social Sciences and the Gerontological Society of America.


Social divisions and social differences;

Social class and inequality in later life;

Ageing and gender;

Ethnicity, race and migration in later life;

Disability and later life;

Identity and intersectionality;

Division, difference and division in later life